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Conversation on Emergency Arbitration

Conversation on Emergency Arbitration
From 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Institut de droit comparé - Amphitheater
28 rue Saint-Guillaume - 75007 Paris
Free – Registration required
Add to calendar 12/19/2024 17:00 12/19/2024 18:30 Europe/Paris Conversation on Emergency Arbitration Institut de droit comparé - Amphitheater
28 rue Saint-Guillaume - 75007 Paris
false MM/DD/YYYY

The LL.M. Assas World Arbitration and Dispute Settlement (LL.M. AWArDS) invites you to a « Conversation on Emergency Arbitration».


  • Jean-Christophe HONLET is a founding partner of Honlet Legum. He concentrates on international arbitration, both commercial and investor-State. He has over 25 years of experience acting in numerous cases as arbitrator, counsel and emergency arbitrator.
  • Christine LÉCUYER-THIEFFRY is a founding partner of Thieffry & Associés. She is an independent arbitrator and has extensive experience as counsel and international arbitrator, including as an emergency arbitrator.
  • Diana PARAGUACUTO-MAHÉO is a partner in Foley Hoag's Paris office and global co-chair of the International Litigation & Arbitration Departement. She acts as counsel, arbitrator and emergency arbitrator, notably in international commercial cases.
  • Roland ZIADÉ is a partner in Linklaters’ Paris office and global co-head of international arbitration. He has acted as counsel in approximately one hundred international arbitration cases. He has also acted as arbitrator in over 45 international arbitrations.
  • Professor Malik LAAZOUZI is the founder and director of the LL.M. Assas World Arbitration and Disputes Settlement (LL.M. AWArDS). He focuses on international/investment arbitration and private international law.

They all teach in the LL.M. AWArDS.

Access plan

Institut de droit comparé - Amphitheater 28 rue Saint-Guillaume - 75007 Paris
Adress carte: 
POINT (2.3284017 48.8543015)