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Paris Workshop on Games, Decisions, and Language

Atelier - Lemma
Paris Workshop on Games, Decisions, and Language
A partir de 8h30
Centre Panthéon,
12 place du Panthéon, 75005 PARIS
Inscription obligatoire
Add to calendar 06/13/2024 08:30 06/15/2024 18:00 Europe/Paris Paris Workshop on Games, Decisions, and Language Centre Panthéon,
12 place du Panthéon, 75005 PARIS
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Le LEMMA (Université-Paris-Panthéon-Assas), l'Institut Nicod (ENS-EHESS), l'Institut universitaire de France (IUF) co-organisent un workshop intitulé Paris Workshop on Games, Decisions, and Language : Applications of Game Theory in the Study of Language.

With contributions by:

  • Despoina Alempaki
  • Gerrit Bauch
  • Andreas Blume
  • Valeria Burdea
  • Daniele Condorelli Françoise Forges
  • Luca Gasparri
  • Olivier Gossner
  • Michael Greinecker
  • Nicolas Rodriguez Gonzalez
  • Aviad Heifetz
  • Roni Katzir
  • Tomas Koblizek
  • Frédéric Koessler
  • Christoph Kuzmics
  • Rene Levinsky
  • Marco LiCalzi
  • Salvador Mascarenhas
  • Marieke Pahlke
  • Philip J. Reny
  • Ariel Rubinstein
  • Stephan Semirat
  • David Spector
  • Bernhard von Stengel
  • Nick Zangwill

This year's topic "Language Games" can be interpreted in a double sense: We invite contributions that use game theory to study aspects of language as well as philosophical investigations of game theory as a "language game."

Notably encouraged are contributions on the following topics:

  • game-theoretic treatments of problems that have been formulated in the context of established research programs in linguistics; such as: implicatures, presupposition accommodation, anaphora, vagueness, politeness in language, emergence of meaning, non-cooperative uses of language (flouting of Grice’s maxims),
  • game-theoretic assessments of the Rational Speech Act model,
  • linguistic interpretations or applications of Bayesian dialogues,
  • methodological reflections on the interaction of game theory and the study of language.

Program Committee:

  • Paul Égré
  • Chantal Marlats
  • Christina Pawlowitsch
  • Benjamin Spector

> Programme détaillé du workshop

> Inscription obligatoire

Access plan

Centre Panthéon, 12 place du Panthéon, 75005 PARIS