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Accueil - Events - The United Nations: Looking Towards the Future From history to the current and future challenges of global governance and law

The United Nations: Looking Towards the Future From history to the current and future challenges of global governance and law

The United Nations: Looking Towards the Future From history to the current and future challenges of global governance and law
From 9 to 6
Palais des Nations
Registration is mandatory
Add to calendar 02/06/2025 09:00 02/07/2025 18:00 Europe/Paris The United Nations: Looking Towards the Future From history to the current and future challenges of global governance and law Palais des Nations false MM/DD/YYYY

The META-UN Global Outreach Project of the 4EU+ university alliance is designed for researchers and students from primarily the social science, humanities and law to enter a science-policy exchange with the UN. The project includes a range of themes from the history and historical heritage of the UN, contemporary challenges to global governance related to policy development and sustainable development goals, and finally discussions about future reform of UN decision-making and international law. META-UN offers a much-needed space for meta-reflection about the UN itself.

The aim of META-UN is to organise scientific and educational meetings between the most prominent scientific experts, junior researchers and students of the 4EU+ university alliance and relevant staff, agencies and institutions of the UN. In this manner it will be possible to disseminate new scientific and educational results, while at the same time new research and educational ideas are nurtured relevant to the challenges of the UN. By hosting a continuous science-policy exchange between the 4EU+ alliance and the UN, META-UN thus offers the necessary framework for genuine scientific and policy innovation.

The lauch conference of META-UN offers three distinct themes that are highly pertinent to the UN. The conference includes researchers from the eight universities of the 4EU+ alliance, leading academic experts beyond the alliance and UN staff

The aim is to begin a dialogue about how researchers of the 4EU+ alliance can contribute to and engage with the United Nations and what kind of research and insights the United Nations would find interesting. A second step will be the organisation of a new seminar/conference in late 2025 or early 2026 that deepens the dialogue and directly works on establishing a permanent science-policy exchange between META UN and the UN.

The conference is open to all interested, but there is a limited number of seats available. If you want to participate, please contact organiser Morten Rasmussen before 26 January 2025.

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Palais des Nations