Gérard CHAMPENOIS - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)
Huguette MÉAU-LAUTOUR - Professor (université Paris Descartes)
Nathalie SETA - Professor (université Paris Descartes)
Philippe CONTE - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)
Denis RAPONE - State Councillor
Jean-Michel WARNET - Professor (université Paris Descartes)
This thesis has a multidisciplinary approach and deals with the improvements of biology of reproduction in the field of infertility regarding the International Convention on the Rights of the Child of the United Nations (ICRCUN). The first part shows, that in France, there is conciliation between the best interests of the child and the medical assistance to procreation, legalised by the triptych of the bioethics law of 1994. The second part deals with the drifts of those practices used for societal ends and not medical. Intended parents willing to have "a child at all costs", as the law n° 2013-404 of May 17, 2013 allowing the marriage to couples of the same sex has not "allowed" the right to have access to thoses technics of assisted reproduction, do "procreative tourism" and go to a country in which the surrogate maternity or gestational surrogacy (GS) is legal and have a child thanks to surrogate mother who ensures the gestation of the embryo, and the foetus through an in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, back to France, according to articles 16-7 and 16-9 of the Civil Code, the issue of the filiation of the child arises, without counting on the risks of the surrogate maternity, hence the incompatibility of the methods of assisted reproduction to societal purposes with the International on Rights of the child, the Latin proverb mater semper certa est being the guarantee of the best interest of the child.