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Accueil - University - Institution - Implantations - Paris Institute of Comparative Law

Paris Institute of Comparative Law

Paris Institute of Comparative Law
EA 3046
Address : 28 rue Saint-Guillaume
75007 Paris
Web site : IDC
Telephone : +33 (0)1 44 39 86 00
Telecopie : +33 (0)1 44 39 86 55

Created in 1931, the Paris Institute of Comparative Law (IDC) has four basic frontline missions: education, research, documentation and international cooperation. Its objective is to allow students to become familiar with different legal systems.

The composition of the IDC research team means that it can cover the main legal systems likely to be the subject of a comparative study: Common Law, Romano-Germanic Law, the Arab World, the Far East.

The main research topics undertaken are:

  • unification of European law and globalisation of law,
  • European contract law,
  • Arab commercial law,
  • European and Chinese legal systems.