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Accueil - Events - The Control of the Arbitral Tribunal’s Lack of Jurisdiction by State Courts. A Comparative Perspective.

The Control of the Arbitral Tribunal’s Lack of Jurisdiction by State Courts. A Comparative Perspective.

The Control of the Arbitral Tribunal’s Lack of Jurisdiction by State Courts. A Comparative Perspective.
Institut de droit comparé (28 r. Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris) - Amphithéâtre – 1er étage
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Add to calendar 09/13/2023 17:30 09/13/2023 19:00 Europe/Paris The Control of the Arbitral Tribunal’s Lack of Jurisdiction by State Courts. A Comparative Perspective. Institut de droit comparé (28 r. Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris) - Amphithéâtre – 1er étage false MM/DD/YYYY

Free conference.
Access subject to online registration and to availability.

17h35 Introduction, Malik LAAZOUZI, Professor of Law, University Paris-Panthéon-Assas

17h40 The Dutch Perspective, Annet van HOOFT, Independent arbitrator

18h00 A Spanish Perspective, José Manuel GARCÍA REPRESA, Partner, Dechert (Paris) LLP

18h20 The French Perspective, Malik LAAZOUZI

18h40 Questions.

18h50 End of the conference.

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Institut de droit comparé (28 r. Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris) - Amphithéâtre – 1er étage
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