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Accueil - Search - The Normalisation of Euro-African Relations (2000-2008): From a Development Dimension to a Global Dimension

The Normalisation of Euro-African Relations (2000-2008): From a Development Dimension to a Global Dimension

Doctor :Yann BEDZIGUI
Director :M. Serge SUR
Thesis date :30 April 2014
Hours :15h
Discipline :Law
Jury :

Serge SUR - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)

Jean-Pierre COLIN - Professor (université de Reims)

Christine KADDOUS - Professor (université de Genève)

Paul CLAIRET - Former political adviser (Direction générale DEVCO - Commission européenne)

Franck PETITEVILLE - Professor (IEP - Grenoble)

Since the year 2000, the EU has tried to redefine its relationship with Africa. From a thematic standpoint, the Euro-African relationship now has a global dimension, covering traditional topics such as development and new topics such as conflict resolution and migration. From a geographical standpoint, the implementation of an EU-Africa strategic partnership illustrates a reconfiguration of the relationship between the two continents on a regional basis. These recent changes illustrate the evolution of the relationship between the two entities with a policy now characterized by a common framework, instruments used in the defence of both symbolic and tangible common interests. However, the emergence of thisEuropeanconsensus on Africa rests on shaky ground as internal divisions persist mostly about divide of labour among the actors.