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  1. Bankruptcy in the Polish and French legal system respecting Community Regulation

    Bankruptcy of legal entities has always been an element of global economy. The issue of insolvency has also been present since the beginning of intracommunity trade.  The European Union has been trying to arrange the social and economic life of the Member ...

    vacataire2 - 05/12/2017 - 12:10

  2. Conciliation in Columbian administrative law

    Colombia has experienced a period of transformation in the last two decades. Adoption of the 1991 Constitution resulted in normative and institutional reforms. Among them, the Constitution gives lawful status to alternative conflict resolution and ...

    vacataire2 - 04/12/2017 - 17:05

  3. Graduation ceremony LL.M. AWArDS (International Arbitration)

    On Friday 31st, students from Greece, the Philippines, Brazil, Georgia or Germany received their LL.M. diploma. University Paris Panthéon-Assas would like to congratulate them warmly on their year's work and wishes these new international arbitration ...

    nathalie.olivier - 27/01/2025 - 11:43

  4. Peer Effects and the Gender Gap in Corporate Leadership: Evidence from MBA Students

    Lemma  is hosting a seminary and welcomes  Ashley WONG  who will present «  Peer Effects and the Gender Gap in Corporate Leadership: Evidence from MBA Students » (with Menaka HAMPOLE and Francesca TRUFFA). Abstract: Women continue to be underrepresented ...

    lyse.arequion - 29/01/2025 - 15:09

  5. The group collective agreement- Contribution to the study of corporate law

    The globalisation of the economy has greatly contributed to the creation of groups of companies both nationally and internationally. The recognition of the group collective agreement by the judge, followed by the law of May 4th, 2004, has effected a ...

    vacataire2 - 14/06/2016 - 11:45

  6. Changing the Administrative Contract under Colombian Law

    Although the modification of the public contract is in principle free, it can only take place under certain limitations. In France, the rules of advertising and competition impose substantive conditions of form and procedure to determine the legality of ...

    vacataire2 - 14/06/2016 - 15:31

  7. Condominium ownership of properties: sharing in the benefits and damages- A comparative study

    The co-ownership of buildings has a particular importance, given the fact that it is influenced by many factors. The socio-cultural factor of the composition of the Lebanese society and that of the problem of the displaced persons (DP) during the Lebanese ...

    vacataire2 - 23/11/2017 - 11:59

  8. Project financing under Colombian Private Law

    Project Finance is always presented as a financial technique which allows to carry out works of great scale. It is a suitable solution for projects which require considerable funds in order to be accomplished and which can be outsourced avoiding the ...

    vacataire2 - 23/11/2017 - 11:13

  9. The role of will in contract interpretation under Roman law

    This is a study of Roman private law, more precisely of the role of will in Roman contract law. The question of voluntas is well-known among inheritance matters. But it seems not to be unknown in contract law as well. Indeed, will does not only concern ...

    vacataire2 - 20/11/2017 - 11:03

  10. The contractual nature of medical civil liability. A comparative study of Franco-Chilean law

    The contractual nature of the medical liability had no the same interest in Chilean law that French law. However, the increasing privatization of health and the phenomenon of contracting activity for Chilean takes us a deal to make a further study to ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 10:49
