Parliamentary opposition is certainly an evidence of parliamentarism, but it is not easily defined because of its extreme institutional and behavioural variability, to such an extent that constitutional law fails to be realized. This opposition is ...
vacataire4 - 01/07/2016 - 12:06
The Uniform Act organizing collective proceedings for discharge of liabilities, adopted on 10 April 1998 in Libreville and entered into force on 1 January 1998 came harmonize the insolvency law in the Member countries of the Organization for the ...
vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 10:48
The spreading of the standard as a technique of stating the conventional rule constitutes a peculiarity of the international law of foreign direct investment as a system having erected the private authority of arbitral tribunals in a method of ...
vacataire2 - 23/11/2017 - 15:20
The Centre for Legal History Studies (CEHJ) has as its primary purpose the indexing and analysis of the archives of the Parliament of Paris (Series X of the National Archives), which form one of the most important archives of the Ancien Régime, both in ...
clotilde.lafaille - 28/06/2023 - 15:56
The "Bienvenue en France" label is awarded by Campus France and recognises institutions which have developed systems that ensure the successful integration of international students. The label is awarded for a period of 4 years and is available ...
clotilde.lafaille - 16/07/2024 - 14:23
Lemma is organizing a seminar on « Place-Based Policies: Opportunity for Deprived Schools or Zone-and-Shame Effect? » on Tuesday January 28th at 11am, presented by Miren LAFOURCARDE. Miren LAFOURCARDE isan economics professor at Université Paris-Saclay ...
lyse.arequion - 23/01/2025 - 12:04
Cross-border company mobility principally involves two main sets of State norms. Firstly, mobile companies continuously encounter conflict of laws questions. Therefore, mobility implies a necessary passage from the fundamental question of recognition of ...
vacataire2 - 15/06/2016 - 10:52
The Greater Paris is in 2001 an utopia. However this planning vision for Paris has brought major changes to the Ile-de-France governance regarding urban development from 2001 to 2012. Three processes jointly carried out illustrate this idea: 1- Since 2001 ...
vacataire2 - 14/06/2016 - 12:03
The trigger question of this Thesis is: ¿How did the Colombian presidential candidates in 2014th, communicate through Twitter, and who did imposed an agenda on it? In order to answer that, it was assumed as a starting point, the necessity to find out how ...
vacataire2 - 05/12/2017 - 12:18
By taking the example of the European Union emission trading system, the objective of the present study is to understand the conditions of effectiveness of a specific tool: the market-based instrument. Market-based instrument is defined as a tool of ...
vacataire2 - 07/12/2017 - 16:23