Gérard LAFAY - Professor
Michel AGLIETTA - Professor (Université Paris X)
Jacques SAPIR - Director of Studies at EHESS
Jean-Michel NAULOT - former member of the "Autorité des marchés financiers"
Christian OTTAVJ - Professor
Creation and destruction of money are key factors to determine its value. Therefore, gaining a clear understanding of the origin of this value is of crucial importance. Then, understanding how this value will be altered by these creation or destruction mechanisms. And finally, measuring the consequences of these mechanisms for creation or destruction of wealth, as Adam Smith understands that term to be : An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.
Several schools of thought exist, as to what factor has to be taken into account in order to ensure economic effectiveness and to achieve proper regulation of these monetary phenomenons. The growing importance of fiat and scriptural money, and the demonetization of silver and of gold, have increased the monetary authorities' room for manœuvre, but also the weight of their responsibility.
The analysis of these monetary policies will lead to proposals for improvements and for new mechanisms of money creation. With a first objective of price stability. With a second one of facilitating the smoothing of economic business cycles (Juglar cycles). With a third one of implementing a virtuous cycle, where money creation provides an environment favourable to future new money creation. These mechanisms of money creation are articulated with growth and productivity. As well as with a limitation of issuance of money, according to Maurice Allais and Jacques Rueff thought.