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Accueil - Search - The establishment of the networks of chambers of commerce and industry: The legislative mongraphy

The establishment of the networks of chambers of commerce and industry: The legislative mongraphy

Doctor :Damien LEROY
Thesis date :06 December 2013
Hours :10h
Discipline :Law
Jury :

Stéphanie DAMAREY - Associate Professor (université Lille 2)

Christophe SINNASSAMY - Adviser (Chambre régionale des comptes Ile-de-France)

Stéphane BRACONNIER - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)


Throughout its history, the network of the Chambers of commerce and industry has demonstrated its capacity to support the enterprises and the economic development of territories. Aware of the profound changes of their environment, the Chambers of commerce have been part of an important reforming process for years, completed with the passage of the Act of July 23, 2010 regarding Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Trade, Crafts and Services. Anyhow, the Act of July 23, 2010, expected to be rationalizing the functioning of the Chambers of commerce and industry network, is a compromise borne out of difficult and complex negotiations. The reform remains incomplete, with its share of difficulties and inconsistencies. At the time of the streamlining of global public policies, the fact that the consular network has been unwilling to pay greater attention to the concepts of mutualizing or merger could appear to be detrimental. Indeed, many of our European neighbors have already adopted a rational consolidation strategy of these consular structures - the Chambers of Commerce & Industry, the Chambers of Trades and Crafts and the Chambers of Agriculture - in a single structure. Therefore, it seems fair to question the relevancy of such an unachieved reform.