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Accueil - Search - Expertise and the fight against electronic banking fraud

Expertise and the fight against electronic banking fraud

Doctor :Thomas SOUVIGNET
Thesis date :18 December 2014
Hours :14h
Discipline :Data processing
Add to calendar 12/18/2014 14:00 12/18/2014 17:00 Europe/Paris Expertise and the fight against electronic banking fraud Every year, payment card fraud exceeds 1.5 billion euros in Europe. Organised crime groups are exploiting any vulnerability possible to take a piece of this lucrative activity. Even though the five principal entities in the payment card industry (cardholders, issuers, acceptors, acquirers and payme... false MM/DD/YYYY
Jury :

David NACCACHE - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)

Jean-Jacques QUISQUATER - Professor (université catholique de Louvain)

Christophe ROSENBERGER - Professor (ENSI - Caen)

David BILLARD - Professor (université de Genève)

Christof PAAR - Professor (université de la Ruhr - Bochum)

Pierre PARADINAS - Professor (CNAM)

Marc WATIN-AUGOUARD - Director of the Research Center (EOGN)

Every year, payment card fraud exceeds 1.5 billion euros in Europe. Organised crime groups are exploiting any vulnerability possible to take a piece of this lucrative activity. Even though the five principal entities in the payment card industry (cardholders, issuers, acceptors, acquirers and payment system providers) are implementing binding security measures throughout standardized systems and networks, fraud continues to increase. Efforts by the state, industry collaboration, and individuals have been unsuccessful in decreasing criminal advances. Having analysed the elements of payment card fraud, this thesis proposes several actions (passive, reactive and proactive) to help improve the fight against this fraud. First, it is relevant to gain knowledge of the source of the card details and not to focus only on its reuse. Next, forensic assessment has to be improved, for example by developing an increased scientific understanding of the technology. Such an expertise should then be passed on to investigators through effective training and knowledge transfer. Investigations should also be made more dynamic with reactive operations conducted in concert by investigators and technicians. Finally, in an ideal proactive spirit, future investigations and assessments should be oriented and facilitated by studying and influencing current payment card technology developments.