Olivier GOHIN - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)
Paul CASSIA - Professor (université Paris I)
Daniel LABETOULLE - Councillor of State
Alexandre CIAUDO - Professor
Yves GAUDEMET - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)
The notion itself of the ineffectiveness of pleas has acquired, especially in recent years, a major place in the French administrative judicial procedure. The judge often refers to it in his/her decisions and the members of the legal doctrine use it in their own work. However, no significant study, devoted entirely to this concept and focusing on all its aspects, has so far been undertaken. Thisis why today this notion is little known and appears at first difficult to apprehend. Manifestations of this elusive aspect are numerous:for instance, the ineffectiveness of pleas is often mistaken with the inadmissibility of pleas ; in the same way, the reasons why a judge declares, in a given case, that a plea is ineffective are poorly identified ; similarly, when they are not just denied, the procedural effects of ineffective pleas are seriously underestimated. From an in-depth examination of case law and practices adopted by administrative courts, the purpose of this thesis is to clarify the notion of the ineffectiveness of pleas.