Francis BALLE - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)
Abdelouahad MABROUR - Professor (université Chouaib Doukkali - Maroc)
Jean-Marie COTTERET - Professor (université Paris 1)
Bernard VALADE - Professor (université Paris 5)
Derek EL ZEIN - Associate Professor & Lawyer
Artan FUGA - Professor (université de Tirana)
The general objective of this study is on the one hand, to draw up an inventory of fixtures of the integration of information technologies and communication (ICT) in the Moroccan education system and on the other hand, to identify and analyse the major hurdles likely to block this integration.
In the present study the mixed approach of methodology was adopted, to meetthis need, starting from the points of view of the various recipients and tosupport the validation by the combination of various information sources, inorder to give a complete image of the studied fact. Thus, the data-gatheringwas made in two phases: The first consists of the qualitative data-gathering inpriority by using two possibilities of collection namely: the study ofdocuments and talks semi-directed by the headmasters of the primary andsecondary schools and the persons in charge of the integration of the ICT onthe ministerial, regional and provincial level.. As for the second phase, it,consists of an investigation by questionnaires provided by the teachers, theheadmasters and the pupils of primary and secondary schools and it primarilyaims at collecting quantitative information
The results highlighted three principal categories of uses of the ICT atthe Moroccan school, namely: the use of the ICT as an independent discipline toteach, the use of the ICT in administration and finally the use of the ICT aseducational tools to teach other subjects. Data analysis collected show that ingeneral, in spite of the important investments, the integration of the ICT atthe Moroccan school still remains in embryonic phase. More particularly, theteaching integration of the ICT remains, for the majority of the teachers, verylimited if not absent.