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Accueil - Search - New strategies for the promotion, distribution and broadcasting of a French documentary. The particular case of the docufiction in television

New strategies for the promotion, distribution and broadcasting of a French documentary. The particular case of the docufiction in television

Doctor :Lise HENRIC
Thesis date :01 June 2015
Hours :16h30
Discipline :Economic science
Add to calendar 06/01/2015 16:30 06/01/2015 19:30 Europe/Paris New strategies for the promotion, distribution and broadcasting of a French documentary. The particular case of the docufiction in television Responding to the public's expectations and following the 1999 BBC English Channel success of Walking With Dinosaurs watched by six millions of viewers, a new genre emerged in the 2000s on the French television : the docufiction.This hybrid genre has achieved a particular recognition over the years... false MM/DD/YYYY
Jury :

Francis BALLE - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)

Jean-Marie COTTERET - Professor (université Paris 1)

Bernard VALADE - Professor (université Paris 5)

Artan FUGA - Professor (université de Tirana)

Responding to the public's expectations and following the 1999 BBC English Channel success of Walking With Dinosaurs watched by six millions of viewers, a new genre emerged in the 2000s on the French television : the docufiction.

This hybrid genre has achieved a particular recognition over the years establishing itself as a whole new genre. It is a mix of fiction with rebuilt scenes, actors playing fictitious scenarios and a mix with traditional documentaries based on testimonies, images from archives, scientific materials as well as a voiceover to guide the public. This doctoral thesis offers to study the emergence of the docufiction and its evolution in France. We will begin our analysis with A Species Odyssey, the first French docufiction broadcasted on France 3 in 2002.

Thank to this study we will bring out the different kinds of docufiction, their limitations and their contributions to the genre.

We will also highlight the importance of archives in docufictions. However, if we consider archives convey the author's vision, we can thus wonder whether they reflect the author's own world or not.

This research is a prospective study aimed at finding solutions. As a matter of fact, many viewers are not able to distinguish fiction from reality. Accordingly, we will focus to provide recommendation to the different members such as producers, broadcasters, directors and audience.