Emmanuel DECAUX - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)
Estelle BROSSET - Associate Professor (HDR - Université Aix-Marseille)
Gérard TEBOUL - Professor (université Paris Est)
Olivier DE FROUVILLE - Professor (université 2 Panthéon-Assas)
Stéphanie HENNETTE-VAUCHEZ - Professor (université Paris Ouest Nanterre)
Transformed into a biomedical resource for the benefit of the care of others (blood, tissues, cells, etc.) or research (clinical trial subject), the body is now subject to the challenges of the globalization of the medical world. Such finding won't challenge all approach based on human rights, but it requires rethinking them differently, by including all stakeholders involved. Human rights must then adapt their vocabulary, without compromising their founding values. The thesis here developed aims to demonstrate that both the principles of bioethics and of human rights are not sufficient for the protection of individuals in the specific context of the transformation of the human body in biomedical resource. It is then necessary to teach all actors of the technical standardization of biomedicine and of health market to translate the language of human rights in their own dialects.