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Accueil - Students! Activate your email address

Students! Activate your email address

On campus
Students! Activate your email address
Page d'accueil du site internet de l'université
Your address is the only address used by the university to communicate with you throughout the year

Student email

Your student email address gives you access to many services and information of the university. When you register, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University will assign you a secure email address (, which is the only email address used by the university to communicate with you. Therefore, you must check your student email regularly.

Once you have registered at the university, connect to your digital workspace/ENT:

Click on the “se connecter”, the top right button. Next, enter your username (your full email address), your password (shown on your “certificat de scolarité” – student certificate) and click on “se connecter”.

Check your digital workspace every day

It allows you to access all the digital services and tools offered by the University Paris-Panthéon-Assas, from anywhere (on campus, at home, etc.) and at any time. These services are intended to help you in your studies.

Several services are available:

Email and calendar;

  • University news, events and information via the website at;
  • The administrative, student and teachers directory;
  • Educational resources which give you access to podcasts, online video lectures and Agor@ssas;
  • The employment-integration space which gives you access to the Réseau Pro platform (internship and job offers);
  • Digital resources of the library, such as books, journals, catalogues and collections.

University Wi-Fi

Paris-Panthéon-Assas University provides three ways of accessing wifi using your digital campus network:

  • wifi_Paris2 in the campus premises;
  • Eduspot throughout France;
  • Eduroam worldwide.