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Accueil - Courses - Programs taught in English - LL.M. Public Law and Democracy (Institut Michel Villey)

LL.M. Public Law and Democracy (Institut Michel Villey)

LL.M. Public Law and Democracy (Institut Michel Villey)

LL.M. Public Law and Democracy (Institut Michel Villey)


Direction: M. Denis BARANGER

LLM - Droit

Diplôme Délivré:
University Degree: Postgraduate
Modalités d'enseignement:
Formation initiale


The LL.M. is a university diploma (DU) and therefore not an equivalent to a Master's degree. 

The LL.M will offer the highest quality of teaching in small group seminars provided by leading French and international scholars. The program will benefit from a partnership with Institut Michel Villey, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University' leading research center in jurisprudence and constitutional law.

Career and prospects: 

  • International students aiming at acquiring a professional expertise in the field of democratic practice and democratic ingeneering. They will later work for NGOs, governmental bodies, international organizations. 
  • Students wishing to embrace an academic career and to read for a PhD. 



The program’s purpose is to provide international students with a set of courses at the crossroads of public law, legal theory and theory of democracy. The aim is to enable a new generation of scholars and leaders in the field of law and democratic government, and provide them with the theoretical baggage and the skills to approach modern problems of democratic
governance and democratic reform. The emphasis will be put on legal theory and political theory, as well as insights on modern democratic government across the world.


Niveau d'entrée:
Bac +4

Profil recommandé


A maximum of 20 students will be accepted every year.

Admission is open :

  • to foreign students with at least a second year of U.S. law school (as part of an exchange between their university and Paris-Panthéon-Assas University) ;
  • to students having completed a JD or any other legal degree in their home country with at least 4 years of studies, amounting to 240 ECTS credits.
  • exceptionally, to students with a degree amounting to 180 ECTS credits if this is justified by the legal curriculum in their country of origin.

Every year, the LL.M. will also be accessible to a maximum of 5 French students having already completed a “M2” degree, amounting to 300 ECTS credits.

Admission will be based on written applications. If the admission panel thinks it necessary, an oral examination will be possible.

Admission in the LLM will not be compatible with any other enrolment in another degree of any kind, at Paris-Panthéon-Assas University or in any other entity. 



The LLM is a year-long, full time, program. 

The curriculum is based on ten courses (24h each), for a total of 240 hours. All courses are mandatory. There are no optional courses. 


Unit 1 Theories of justice and political power

  • Theories of democracy (ancient and modern)
  • Introduction to political thought
  • Reading seminar in political philosophy
  • Foundations of public law

Unit 2 Constitutionalism

  • Political and constitutional history
  • Comparative constititional law
  • Constitutional theory
  • International Law and democracy

Unit 3 : democracy & governance

  • Contemporary Governance and democratic practice
  • Current problems of democratic societies

Chair of democracy

A short course or series of lectures delivered every year by an expert or personality of
international standing.


The course is aimed at two audiences:

Future experts in democratic practice in international organizations, NGOs, etc. working in this field or with a specialized unit;
Students interested in an academic career, for whom the LLM will serve as pre-doctoral training.

Visit our website


Direction des affaires internationales
92 rue d'Assas, 75006 Paris - FRANCE
+33 (0)1 44 41 87 23


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There is no better place to explore Public Law and Democracy than at Paris-Panthéon-Assas Université! The LL.M. program, offered in partnership with the Institut Michel Villey, provides a unique blend of public law, legal theory, and the study of democracy. As someone who was already practicing law, I realized there was still so much to learn about the intricate concepts of governance, democracy, and their broader implications. This program has opened numerous doors for me, as well as invaluable insights and opportunities, more specifically in international law.

I'm deeply grateful for having had the chance to study at one of Europe's most renowned legal institutions. Being surrounded by students with impressive academic and professional backgrounds pushed me to be better in every way. Throughout my time in this LL.M., I was privileged to learn from leading French and international scholars who not only imparted knowledge but also inspired us. The program included enriching experiences, such as visits to the Sénat, the Assemblée Nationale, the Conseil Constitutionnel and the Cour Nationale du Droit d'Asile, which provided firsthand exposure to democratic institutions in action.

The connections I made and the community we built are sources of pride for me. This LL.M. has been more than an academic pursuit. I encourage you to join this exceptional journey.

“The LL.M. with its focus on democracy is an absolutely unique program that equips its students with an in-depth understanding of democracy, public and constitutional law as well as politics that is extremely valuable for everyone pursuing a career in the field of democracy and public law. It enables future academic researchers to discover their fields of interests and gain a broad but at the same time deep understanding of public law and democracy to e.g. prepare for a PhD.”

Degree awarded : University Degree: Postgraduate
Terms of education : Intital formation


The LL.M. is a university diploma (DU) and therefore not an equivalent to a Master's degree. 

The LL.M will offer the highest quality of teaching in small group seminars provided by leading French and international scholars. The program will benefit from a partnership with Institut Michel Villey, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University' leading research center in jurisprudence and constitutional law.

Career and prospects: 

  • International students aiming at acquiring a professional expertise in the field of democratic practice and democratic ingeneering. They will later work for NGOs, governmental bodies, international organizations. 
  • Students wishing to embrace an academic career and to read for a PhD. 



The program’s purpose is to provide international students with a set of courses at the crossroads of public law, legal theory and theory of democracy. The aim is to enable a new generation of scholars and leaders in the field of law and democratic government, and provide them with the theoretical baggage and the skills to approach modern problems of democratic
governance and democratic reform. The emphasis will be put on legal theory and political theory, as well as insights on modern democratic government across the world.

Complementary informations

Tuition fees

Students must pay a tuition fee of 10,000 euros (including university fees) to Paris-Panthéon-Assas University.
Exchange students (American universities): 5,000 euros.

Program eligible to the LPDP scholarship. Please contact for more information

Academic Year :

October - June

Application period:

October 2nd - September 30th

Apply now

Input Level : Bac +4


A maximum of 20 students will be accepted every year.

Admission is open :

  • to foreign students with at least a second year of U.S. law school (as part of an exchange between their university and Paris-Panthéon-Assas University) ;
  • to students having completed a JD or any other legal degree in their home country with at least 4 years of studies, amounting to 240 ECTS credits.
  • exceptionally, to students with a degree amounting to 180 ECTS credits if this is justified by the legal curriculum in their country of origin.

Every year, the LL.M. will also be accessible to a maximum of 5 French students having already completed a “M2” degree, amounting to 300 ECTS credits.

Admission will be based on written applications. If the admission panel thinks it necessary, an oral examination will be possible.

Admission in the LLM will not be compatible with any other enrolment in another degree of any kind, at Paris-Panthéon-Assas University or in any other entity. 



The LLM is a year-long, full time, program. 

The curriculum is based on ten courses (24h each), for a total of 240 hours. All courses are mandatory. There are no optional courses. 


Unit 1 Theories of justice and political power

  • Theories of democracy (ancient and modern)
  • Introduction to political thought
  • Reading seminar in political philosophy
  • Foundations of public law

Unit 2 Constitutionalism

  • Political and constitutional history
  • Comparative constititional law
  • Constitutional theory
  • International Law and democracy

Unit 3 : democracy & governance

  • Contemporary Governance and democratic practice
  • Current problems of democratic societies

Chair of democracy

A short course or series of lectures delivered every year by an expert or personality of
international standing.


The course is aimed at two audiences:

Future experts in democratic practice in international organizations, NGOs, etc. working in this field or with a specialized unit;
Students interested in an academic career, for whom the LLM will serve as pre-doctoral training.