During the same period, a reform of security law had completed in France, while the Chinese real rights law which has renovated security rights in rem was about to be promulgated in China. This thesis, based on Chinese law and drawing upon a comprehensive ...
vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 10:53
Director: Etienne PERNOT Deputy Director: Katarzyna WEGRZYN-WOLSKA The Efrei Research Lab is the research laboratory of Efrei, the Grande école of digital technology. It consists of about twenty computer science and electronics professors-researchers, as ...
clotilde.lafaille - 21/06/2023 - 15:24
FR Public Law Cultures is a research centre incubated by the Cujas Institute. As well as doctrinal and technical analysis of the core areas of domestic public law (constitutional law, administrative law, public finance, taxation law), its mission ...
vacataire5 - 28/06/2023 - 17:19
Professor Gearty will deliver a lecture on the pressing topic of democracy's relationship with counter-terrorism efforts. Date: Friday, 5th April 2024 Time: 5:00 PM- 7:00 PM Venue: Room 707, Assas Center, 7th Floor Registration: Please register by ...
nathalie.olivier - 19/03/2024 - 13:41
cred@u-paris2.fr FR +33 (0)1 44 41 56 25 The CRED covers a broad range of activities, concerning both basic aspects and applications of research on law and the economy. It develops its research along 4 main axes: Market organisation and regulation ...
vacataire2 - 06/02/2019 - 16:01
In recent decades, two theories which seems contradictory, claim that they can provide a basis for the behaviour of economic agents, i.e the theory of decision and the behavioural economics. We have tried, in this thesis to unite these two points of view ...
vacataire2 - 18/04/2017 - 15:12
Since the tax reforms of 20th century, the alignment of tax law on private law and accounting gradually became the imperative principle under French law. Concerning business taxation, the principle of book and tax conformity has been established ...
vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 16:46
This thesis consists in a re-reading of the Arab-Israeli conflict since its origins (in the Ottoman Palestine) through an analysis of the military transformations conducted by actors involved in this conflict. These changes are driven by mimetic rivalries ...
vacataire2 - 04/12/2017 - 16:12
caroline.touchet@u-paris2.fr FR +33 (0)1 44 41 55 79 The Paris Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law is the oldest laboratory of criminal law and criminology in France. It represents the French national scientific section of the Messine-Intercenter, ...
vacataire2 - 28/06/2023 - 16:56
The LL.M. Assas World Arbitration and Dispute Settlement (LL.M. AWArDS) invites you to a « Conversation on Emergency Arbitration». PANELISTS Jean-Christophe HONLET is a founding partner of Honlet Legum. He concentrates on international arbitration, both ...
orianne.benoist - 11/12/2024 - 11:46