France DRUMMOND - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)
Thierry GRANIER - Professor
Anne-Valérie LE FUR - Professor (université Saint Quentin en Yvelines)
Camille BROYELLE - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)
Philippe NEAU-LEDUC - Professor (université Paris 1)
The Market Operator is the for-profit company in charge of organizing and exploiting a regulated market. It has at its disposal several prerogatives it can use to issue binding rules and decisions toward both contractors and third parties. The model of the Market Operator poses certain questions, however. Sound and efficient regulation by the French Financial Market Authority can resolve the issue of conflicts of interest, though the question of the legal qualification of the prerogative remains.
To resolve the ambiguity of the model, it is mandatory to take a full understanding of the notion of Market Interest. This collective interest, structuring the legal model of Market Operator, can have two different meanings. It would be legally qualified as a Common Interest in a model of true private law. This model would be built on prerogatives born from private power. These prerogatives grant rights to the Market Operator to accept as binding private rules and decisions for the contracting parties, but not toward third parties. Conversely, it is possible to integrate the Market Interest into the General Interest and create a public model of Market Operator. The official powers held by the Market Operator would permit the issuance of administrative rules binding for everyone.