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Le contrat international de consommation : comparaison franco-brésilienne

Doctor :Paula SERRA-FREIRE
Thesis date :26 November 2015
Hours :10:00
Address :
Discipline :Law
Add to calendar 11/26/2015 10:00 11/26/2015 13:00 Europe/Paris Le contrat international de consommation : comparaison franco-brésilienne The internationalization of the consumption of products and services is a phenomenon that can be seen in developed countries, like the case of France, but also to a large extent in developing countries like Brazil. Such internationalization has important implications for the protection of consumers...
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Jury :

Dominique BUREAU - Professor (université Panthéon-Assas Paris II)

Pascal DE VAREILLES  SOMMIERES - Professor (université Paris 1)

Diego FERNANDEZ ARROYO - Professor

Louis D'AVOUT - Professor (université Panthéon-Assas Paris II)

The internationalization of the consumption of products and services is a phenomenon that can be seen in developed countries, like the case of France, but also to a large extent in developing countries like Brazil. Such internationalization has important implications for the protection of consumers, which are considered in most countries as a weak party that deserves to be protected. This internationalization also raises interesting private international law issues. In this work, we will study the issues related to the determination of the competent jurisdiction and the law applicable to such contracts, from both the French and the Brazilian law perspectives