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The principle of connection between tax law and accounting

Doctor :Aboubakar DIARRASSOUBA
Director :M. Guy GEST
Thesis date :09 March 2015
Hours :12h30
Discipline :Law
Add to calendar 03/09/2015 12:30 03/09/2015 16:30 Europe/Paris The principle of connection between tax law and accounting Since the tax reforms of 20th century, the alignment of tax law on private law and accounting gradually became the imperative principle under French law.   Concerning business  taxation, the principle of  book and tax conformity has been established  based on scattered provisions, the case law, the... false MM/DD/YYYY
Jury :

Guy GEST - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)

Arnaud DE BISSY - Professor (université Toulouse 1)

Olivier DEBAT - Professor (université de La Rochelle)

Gauthier BLANLUET - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)

Daniel GUTMANN - Professor (université de Paris 1)

Since the tax reforms of 20th century, the alignment of tax law on private law and accounting gradually became the imperative principle under French law.   Concerning business  taxation, the principle of  book and tax conformity has been established  based on scattered provisions, the case law, the majority of tax scholars and the pragmatism of the tax authorities; but specially in the name of the operating unity of the law matching with the tax values such simplicity, legal certainty, taxation in  accordance with ability to pay. With regard to the main business taxes, the book tax conformity has very wide reach which is both material and formal. Facing the worldwide adoption of the IASB accounting standards and the harmonization of the direct tax on businesses within the European Union, the French law, despite tension, chose the preservation of the book tax conformity in the process of the convergence of the General accounting plan toward the IAS-IFRS without the account of the optimal tax policy that must aim at broadening the tax base with rates reduction and the reduction of tax conformity costs at least within the EU.

In the light of  theses canons, legal logic, the example of the US law, the potentialities of a disconnection must be explored  namely the current EU project of CCCTB, backed by France, based on a broad and autonomous tax base; a fiscal balance sheet election; the reduction of  transversal tax concepts.