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Accueil - Search - The role of agreements in the broadcasting of innovations: epistemological synthesis, theoretical integration and characterisation in the case of television programmes

The role of agreements in the broadcasting of innovations: epistemological synthesis, theoretical integration and characterisation in the case of television programmes

Doctor :Julien-Pierre BESNARD
Thesis date :29 June 2015
Hours :14h30
Discipline :Management Science
Jury :

Nathalie GUIBERT - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)

Bertrand BELVAUX - Associate Professor (MCF HDR université de Bourgogne)

Hubert GATIGNON - Professor (INSEAD)

Philippe ROBERT DEMONTROND - Professor (Université Rennes 1)

Patrick HETZEL - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)

Philippe TASSI - Teaching responsibilities

The theory of the diffusion of innovations has been built during the XXth century around qualitative and quantitative models which does not take into account, otherwise barely, the influence of values and norms on the genesis of innovations. From a research hypothesis, the complex structure thought by Edgar Morin and Jean-Pierre Dupuy and an epistemic synthesis, this thesis proposes an experimental measure scale of the Boltanski and Thevenot's worlds and the implementation of sociological forms, the conventions, as variable of the innovation adoption in a structural equations model inspired from the Fishbein's Theory of reasoned action. Built on the field of Tv programs, this model shows that the adoption of reality TV programs are linked with specific sociological influences. These sociological influences involve atypical behaviors of TV viewers in front of the screen. The model of the influence of the conventions on consumer behavior opens the way to a new classification of TV programs as well as an improved prevision of the success of new formats