Francis BALLE - Professor (Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)
Jean-Marie COTTERET - Professor (Université Paris 1)
Bernard VALADE - Professor (Université Paris 5)
Artan FUGA - Professor (Université de Tirana)
Under Mubarak's regime, the media landscape has been subject to a deep overhaul of its structural and professional basis. On the cinematographic ground, the industry has suffered a quantitative decrease, however on a qualitative aspect, films have become more credible, even way more professional. Films tackle social and political topics and even comedies thanks to a freedom of speech whose limits have kept expanding, in the 80s, 90s, and the last decade.
The end of the monopoly and the emergence of the competition between the TV channels paved the way at the beginning of the new millenium, for a new era in the medias characterized by the proliferation of brand new private channels claiming theirs freedom and independency. Nonetheless, the red line is still present, and the State interventionism is still, if necessary, an option, or let's say, an old reflex since the authorities rely on a litany of fuzzy laws. The coverage of the uprising of January 2011 that toppled Mubarak's stiff regime set off the whole Rais' propaganda mechanism. This mechanism, which is notably based on misinformation or demonization of the revolutionaries, discredited State TV channels and led the observers to think that Freedom of Speech hasn't reached Egypt yet.