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  1. Managing staff in the groups of companies

    Corporate groups gather entities that are legally distinct but linked to each other's in a context of domination and cooperation forming a relatively identifiable entity. Their organization belongs to both corporate standards and contractual ...

    23/11/2017 - 15:03

  2. The marine insurance contract in Rouen under Ancient Law

    Shipping insurance is the first known form of insurance. It was instituted at the end of the Middle Ages and spread to the whole of Europe in the sixteenth century. Rouen, as one of the largest commercial and maritime cities in the Kingdom of France, was ...

    21/11/2017 - 16:46

  3. Contract or legal act? A study from the medical relationship

    On the acknowledgment of the recent consecration of the notion of legal act by the French civil code, the purpose of this thesis is to reflect on the consequence of this evolution on the notion of contract. The author first starts by demonstrating that ...

    15/06/2016 - 09:59

  4. The transfer of property at death other than by succession under Private International Law

    Estate Planning institutions, from English and American laws, allow an individual to transfer property at death to a beneficiary previously designated by him, other than by succession. It became necessary to analyse these mechanisms in their original ...

    06/12/2017 - 10:33

  5. Representative documents of title. Essay on the legal representation of property by documents of title in private law

    It is common to assert that a document represents property: a bill of exchange is said to represent a receivable, a bill of lading to represent goods, a book-entry account to represent a security or a depositary receipt to represent shares, etc. These are ...

    20/11/2017 - 11:29

  6. The Human Body and Life and Health Insurance

    In that it is intimately linked to the person, the human body is a delicate entity which is the object of diverse protections. Amongst these figure personal insurances which, with their nature of precaution, play an important economic and social role that ...

    21/11/2017 - 16:17

  7. The political society versus the civil society from the 1970s to today. The French democratic paradox

    Everywhere man is free, he fells in chains. Such is the democratic paradox which gives the modern individual both a large space of freedom and the feeling to be deprived of any. On top of the traditional separation of powers or Checks and Balances now ...

    21/11/2017 - 10:09

  8. Equality, diversity and inclusion

    Paris-Panthéon-Assas University is committed to numerous causes and missions for the benefit of its academic community. These various missions encompass several themes, including the opposition to all forms of violence and violation on human dignity, the ...

    26/05/2023 - 11:38

  9. The right of preemption

    Property right (jus proprietatis) and contractual freedom establish the right for every owner to choose the person to whom he may wish to sell his property. There are nevertheless hypotheses where the legislator granted to some persons, by his own ...

    20/11/2017 - 15:42

  10. The contribution of general equilibrium models for the assessment of competition policy

    This thesis consists in analysing how competition policy by enhancing prices decreases, may be used to boost purchasing power and inuence income distribution. A huge literature deals with the evaluation of how entry of firms within a particular sector ...

    20/06/2016 - 10:23
