As retroactivity constitutes an application process of the law in time, it is worth first asking whether a judge's rulings are considered as a rule of law whether such case law is retroactive or declarative. To answer this question, it seemed ...
vacataire2 - 23/11/2017 - 11:04
FR Christmas vacation from the 18th of december to the 2nd of january Etudiants Information Langue Anglais ...
nathalie.mouly - 16/12/2016 - 14:31
Commandment shall belong [...] and one shall obey to a faceless order, which may be expected, given its impersonality, to rule without passion and to be listened to without anger »2. To reach such an aim, practice and criminal procedure try to erase from ...
vacataire2 - 08/01/2019 - 14:43
Open-minded and attentive to students’ needs, the University provides various numerical services, tutorials, and an ever-growing and exhaustive library database. In order to accompany as best as possible international students, the University makes ...
cyril.cazin - 11/05/2023 - 16:40
Securities on the professional's properties form a significant way of accessing to credit. Despite many initiatives, means that enable to hold estates as security, such as stocks of goods, are not fully satisfying. The legal edifice, complex and ...
vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 17:36
The binding force of the contract has a universal effect. This consensus contrasts sharply with the debates that affect the rules governing the binding force: what is the basis of contract? Should the "cause" and the subject matter ("l' ...
vacataire2 - 14/06/2016 - 15:40
The purpose of this thesis is to identify criteria to understand how contemporary artworks make sense in public space. When conflict of opinions happen, protagonists are led to rise in generality to justify their point of view, which allows the researcher ...
vacataire2 - 23/11/2017 - 15:08
The study of the nature of partisan juridical order leads to affirm that a political party constitutes a juridical order. To do so, one must first establish that the internal rules of parties meet the criteria established by existing doctrine to decide ...
vacataire2 - 20/11/2017 - 15:46
In times of economics crises, guaranteeing the payment of wages in the event of insolvency on the part of an employer is a cructical issue. In France, this protection is provided by a national insolvency fund, the Association pour la Gestion du régime des ...
vacataire2 - 15/06/2016 - 10:05
Corporate groups gather entities that are legally distinct but linked to each other's in a context of domination and cooperation forming a relatively identifiable entity. Their organization belongs to both corporate standards and contractual ...
vacataire2 - 23/11/2017 - 15:03