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  1. The precautionary principle and civil liability

    The texts of the Civil Code relating to tort have changed little since 1804. Despite the crystallization of the law, this matter was a privilege laboratory of judicial creation. The Supreme Court has in fact worked on the adaptation of civil liability to ...

    vacataire2 - 15/06/2016 - 10:03

  2. Contribution-sale-relocation

    A dedicated three-step tax scheme has been designed for individuals holding assets with a latent capital gain; willing to reinvest their profits into other activities and reduce taxes on capital gains normally owed: Capital contribution of the assets held ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 10:10

  3. A microeconomic analysis of rules of proof in civil litigation

    Procedural rules are likely to affect the strategies of the parties in a dispute. We study their impact on the volume of litigation and on the amount of legal expenses incurred by parties to win the trial. These two components of the social cost of ...

    vacataire4 - 29/06/2016 - 09:28

  4. Civil liability on financial markets

    The aim of our research is to determine whether the specificity of financial markets require to adapt tort law. Our study is limited to multilateral trade markets and specific faults-defective public information and market abuses-. In effect, it is in ...

    vacataire2 - 15/06/2016 - 10:04

  5. The fate of the employment relationship in companies in difficulty

    The opening of insolvency proceedings is the occasion of a conflict between employment protection and survival of the company. Ensuring the sustainability of the latter often needs to be achieved at the cost of workforce reduction. This finding raises an ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 16:45

  6. The materiality of the offence challenged by the extensions of the principle of territoriality

    With the constant increase of international felony and criminality, more and more offences take place partially or totally out of France. In order to submit theses offences with a foreign element to the French criminal law, the national lawmaker and ...

    vacataire2 - 23/11/2017 - 15:07

  7. Preliminary exception on arbitration on the basis of treaties promoting and protecting investments

    In investment treaty arbitration, preliminary objections can be defined as procedural issues raised by the States in order to contest arbitral tribunal jurisdiction or admissibility of an investor claim. With the rise of investment treaty arbitration, ...

    vacataire2 - 22/11/2017 - 17:39

  8. Influence of griot and media in the democratic process: the case of Benin and Guinea

    Throughout our research, we proved that the griot is the one who manages to travel back in time through speech. This allows historians to rewrite the history of the African continent remained long in orality. This oral communication carried by the griot ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 11:16

  9. Codification of the contract law in Lithuania: example of distribution contracts

    Codification of the contract law has been always a question of importance for any country. Lithuania which restored it's Independence on 11th March 1990 makes no exception. The Civil code of Lithuania was adopted in year 2000, i.e. ten years after ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 17:31

  10. Subsidiarity in Private Law

    Subsidiarity which constitutes a leading principle of European Union law has also its place in private law. It is a functional notion that can only be comprehended through its applications, the search of the place that it occupies in private law passes ...

    vacataire2 - 08/01/2019 - 14:50
