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  1. Sanctity of Life in Canon Law and in French Public Law. The recognition criteria in associations of the faithful

    Today in the Roman Catholic Church new forms of associative communities are emerging and posing a certain number of questions in regard to Canon Law. One of the questions concerns those who choose to live a celibate state of "consecrated life" ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 16:44

  2. Power and international relations: an essay on a controversial concept

    Power is not a new idea in international relations. More and more often disputed, contested or spoiled, Power earns a permanent changeable role and lends itself to a multitude of theories and interpretations constantly renewed. This essay has vocation to ...

    vacataire2 - 20/11/2017 - 11:23

  3. The contribution of European Law to the right of additional social protection

    No clear direction has been set by the European authorities regarding complementary social protection law. However, European law still makes a major contribution on the subject. The specialized operators in charge of administrating complementary schemes ...

    vacataire2 - 23/11/2017 - 15:08

  4. Cooperation between the regulatory authorities in Europe (communication, electronics, power)

    The cooperation among regulatory authorities in the field of electronic communications and energy takes place against the background of the transformation of the european administration in the last two decades. Its institutional design bears the mark of ...

    vacataire2 - 07/12/2017 - 16:39

  5. Invasive Alien Species and the Law of the Sea: in search of a qualification

    Alien invasive species are a growing concern, but are they an object as any other in international law? An invasive alien species is a living species which, by its mere presence in an ecosystem outside its natural range, causes deleterious effects which ...

    vacataire2 - 07/12/2017 - 16:41

  6. Conflict in Northern Mali: Media coverage by French weekly magazines from 1900 to 2010

    Since independence, in 1960, Mali, in its Northern part, (the three administrative regions: Timbuktu, Gao and Kidal), has faced ongoing insecurity, across the vast Sahara desert. The Tuareg community, deeply rooted in their nomadic culture, have long ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 16:35

  7. The "birth" of receivables

    The double-sided civil law notion of obligation divides into créance on the active side and debt on the passive side. It encompasses claims pursued against a wide variety of debtors, whether arising on the basis of contract, tort, or statute. Debates on ...

    vacataire2 - 20/06/2016 - 11:01

  8. Rigidities and weaknesses of Lebanese company law

    The world economic evolutions overturn the organization of the enterprises. Actually, the managers, shareholders, the markets, and in general, the total of the economic actions require another aspects of management, flexible, reactive, transparent and ...

    vacataire2 - 05/12/2017 - 12:12

  9. Natural monopoly, two-sided markets, price differentiation: three essays on the regulation of telecommunications

    The thesis focuses on the economics of the telecommunications industry and on its regulation. The first part is dedicated to the deployment of the fixed network of the optical fibre. The study of different regulation methods allows to compare the ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 10:37

  10. Ethics committees in comparative law- through the lens of Latin America

    The organizations and authoritative entities specialized in evaluating the ethical issues raised by recent developments in the life sciences take on extremely diverse denominations and forms such as commissions, committees, and boards that all form a ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 11:00
