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  1. On campus

    Paris-Panthéon-Assas University is deeply attached to the history and inherited values that form the very basis of its traditions. Those traditions are maintained and honoured throughout the academic year. Key academic events, such as the formal ceremony ...

    superadmin@mini... - 09/05/2023 - 17:12

  2. An Ellsberg paradox for ambiguity aversion

    Le Lemma is organising a seminar on  « An Ellsberg paradox for ambiguity aversion ».  Christoph KUZMICS (University of Graz) Abstract:  The 1961 Ellsberg paradox is typically seen as an empirical challenge to the subjective expected utility framework. ...

    clotilde.lafaille - 09/06/2023 - 15:30

  3. Optimal Migration Policies, Two-Sided Borders and socialWelfare in Overlapping Generations Models

    After a general introduction and a literature review, in a 2-country OLG model, this thesis considers a non yet studied case where each government chooses for his country the flow of migrants that maximizes the post-migration social welfare. Since ...

    vacataire2 - 14/06/2016 - 11:25

  4. The General Secretariat of the Government

    The French Cabinet secretariat, pivot of executive and legislative powers, and therefore being a necessary administrative organ to the operating of any modern State, is still one of the lesser known French administrative structure. Having existed in ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 16:42

  5. The scope of the Constitution in France and in China- The enchantment and disenchantment of revolutionary constitutionalism

    The revolutionary constitutionalism in France and in China is deeply rooted in the pre-modern history. The Revolution of 1789 and the three consecutive Constitutions in 1791, 1793 and 1795, combined the "Constitution" and the "revolution ...

    vacataire2 - 08/01/2019 - 14:46

  6. The conformity of the arbitrator in his assignment

    Articles 1492 and 1520 of the French Code of Civil Procedure (applying to domestic and international arbitration respectively) set out the possible grounds for setting aside a domestic or international arbitral award or denying its enforcement. The third ...

    vacataire2 - 23/11/2017 - 10:59

  7. Anti-dumping Action and Competition Law in the European Union

    European Union law addresses pricing practices of undertakings through antitrust provisions and an anti-dumping legislation. These two sets of regulations differ in many respects. They pursue different aims: protection of the interest of some European ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 14:35

  8. Monitoring the enforceability of orders and decisions of the European and Inter-American Courts of Human Rights

    In the absence of enforcement mechanisms, an international decision is deemed binding and non-enforceable, and execution is generally perceived as a "post-adjudicative" phase, belonging to the State's imperium. Study of the supervision of ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 10:06

  9. Contractualisation and the civil service

    This research consists in a study about the most appropriate status for civils servants and more generally, people who work for public utilities.  It appears that it is a twofold question: first, it might be possible that every worker could have the same ...

    vacataire2 - 21/11/2017 - 10:48


    The social capital plays a role disputed, but always essential in a company. Behind the social capital the power is profiled: the person who holds the majority of parts or actions holds the real control of the company. Thus the operations of the social ...

    vacataire4 - 30/06/2016 - 15:40
