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  1. Consumer protection under private European international law

    Consumer protection in European private international law is carried out through protective choice-of-law and jurisdiction rules which are specially designed for cross-border consumer contracts. These rules help balancing the bargaining power and make the ...

    23/11/2017 - 15:24

  2. The dispute settlement mechanism of the World Trade Organisation: contribution of a resolution system of interstate trade disputes in the development of the international legal order

    Whatever the future of the WTO may be, the Dispute Settlement Mechanism (DSM) as an inter-governmental dispute settlement system is a key institution for the evolution of International Law. Firstly, its compulsory jurisdiction contributes to the ...

    20/11/2017 - 17:16

  3. The Grenade, the Hourglass, and the Sundial: Constitutional Time in the United States and the World

    Le Centre de droit public comparé (CDPC) is organising conference on "The Grenade, the Hourglass, and the Sundial: Constitutional Time in the United States and the World" on Wednesday 8 November 2023. Conférence by Richard ALBERT, professor at ...

    20/09/2023 - 17:14

  4. Research Centre on Justice and Conflict Resolution

    FR The Research Centre on Justice and Conflict Resolution (CRJ) ultimately aims to study all forms of contemporary justice, jurisdictional or non-jurisdictional, state or non-state. Research carried out therefore focuses as much on civil procedure in its ...

    18/10/2017 - 15:38

  5. Official visit of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan to Dubaï campus students

    International His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of the UAE, honoured the LL.M. International Business Law students from the leadership programme of the Mohammed bin ...

    20/02/2025 - 10:14

  6. International television news channels aimed at "public diplomacy"

    This research aims to understand the role of international 24-hour TV news channels in the era of globalization: the tension and balance between the role of the international news channel for public diplomacy and the respect for journalistic principles; ...

    07/12/2017 - 16:38

  7. The horizontal effect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

    The Charter of fundamental rights has acquired a binding legal force since the coming into effect of the Treaty of Lisbon. Hence, the institutions of the European Union and member states when they implement the law of the European Union are bound by the ...

    08/01/2019 - 14:43

  8. Study of contemporary formalism and the protection of the contractual consent

    In contract law, the agreement of the parties is ruled by the freedom of choice of forms of contract. In this way, contracts are signed by the mere consent of the parties, and there is a freedom regarding the ways for its externalization. Despite this, ...

    15/06/2016 - 10:20

  9. Understanding civil liability

    Tort theory in terms of rational reconstruction of the law has constituted a new and important knowledge of the tort liability. Economic analysis has reconstructed the rules and institutions by the value of efficiency. Moral theory of corrective justice ...

    15/06/2016 - 11:04

  10. Five Essays on the Monetary, Banking and Property Sector

    The thesis studies various themes that are central to modern finance : economic agents rationality and behavioural biases with respect to nominal values, the problem of asset fundamental valuation, the changing landscape of the European post-trade ...

    15/06/2016 - 11:52
