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Institut de droit comparé, Amphithéâtre, 1er étage - 28 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris
Inscription obligatoire
Ajouter au Calendrier 11/09/2022 18:00 11/09/2022 20:00 Europe/Paris The Review of the Arbitration Act 1996 by the Law Commission. A Comparative Perspective between English and French Arbitration Law Organisation : LLM AWArDS & Institut de droit comparé Institut de droit comparé, Amphithéâtre, 1er étage - 28 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris false MM/DD/YYYY
Organisation : LLM AWArDS & Institut de droit comparé

Conférence internationale sur le thème The Review of the Arbitration Act 1996 by the Law Commission. A Comparative Perspective between English and French Arbitration Law.

Scientific committee: Pr Malik LAAZOUZI, Me Jacob GRIERSON.

18h00 : Introduction. Me Jacob GRIERSON & Pr. Malik LAAZOUZI
18h05 : Pr Jean-Sébastien BORGHETTI, Reforming the law of arbitration in England and in France. A comparative perspective
18h20 : Pr Nathan TAMBLYN, Vocal stakeholders and historic international conventions: law reform challenges in the context of arbitration confidentiality and discrimination


18h50 : Pr Pierre MAYER, The jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal. A comparative perspective
19h10 : Me Jacob GRIESON, Disclosure-Révélation. A comparative perspective
19h25 : Pr Malik LAAZOUZI, The law applicable to the arbitration agreement. A comparative perspective


19h50. End of the conference


La conférence se tiendra en anglais

Plan d'accès

Institut de droit comparé, Amphithéâtre, 1er étage - 28 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris
Adress carte: 
POINT (2.3284017 48.8543015)
Adresse : Institut de droit comparé, 28 rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris