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Association LLM IBL Paris-Singapour

Association LLM IBL Paris-Singapour
Domaine association filière: 

Dear Alumni and Friends,

Since 2011, the LL.M. in International Business Law has gathered bright minds thanks to its program of academic excellence taught on four campuses in Dubai, Mauritius, Paris and Singapore.

With a very international community constituted of more than 300 alumni worldwide, Sorbonne-Assas International Law School has proven throughout the years its ability to be a home for exchange and diversity. Its former students are now among other doctoral candidates, skilled lawyers, financial and legal directors, managers of holdings or big companies.

It is to perpetuate the spirit of fellowship and to cultivate this pool of talents that Sorbonne-Assas International Law School Alumni Association was established.

We have the ambition to bring our alumni closer and to be a stepping stone to the development of meaningful bonds. We want to build an institution on which you can rely on and that will provide you with the adequate tools to succeed.

Here are some reasons to be part of the movement:

  • Expand your network and connect with former graduates and current students
  • Foster your career opportunities thanks to our alumni network
  • Attend our events organised throughout the year
  • Stay informed about what is happening on campus and about the initiatives undertaken by our alumni
  • Promote our Alma Mater and our diploma worldwide

To enjoy these benefits, we strongly invite you to register on our new Alumni website and its dedicated platform in order to complete your profile.

Each of us is extremely pleased and thrilled to be part of the 2018-2019 Alumni Board and we are looking forward to getting in touch with you!

Our warmest regards,

Merve Kirca – Vice President of the Alumni Association
André-Alexis – President of the Alumni Association

Coordonnées : Facebook : https:/