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De 11h à 12h
Lemma - Salle Maurice Desplas
4 rue Blaise Desgoffe
75006 PARIS
Séminaire du Lemma

Le Lemma organise un séminaire, sur le thème « Identifying marriage markets » le mardi 30 mai à 11h. 

Ugo BOLLETTA (Université Paris-Saclay)

Résumé : 

When it comes to modeling marriage markets, one often considers a setting where anyone on the opposite side of the market can serve as a potential spouse. In reality, however, we tend to acknowledge that separate (overlapping) markets exist for potential couples. In this paper, we aim to learn more about the various factors that define such marriage markets. Using revealed preferences, we develop a method that allows reconstructing (partially) the set of couples that belong to the marriage market and (exactly) the set of couples that do not belong to it. We apply our results to the data identifying the marriage market for each individual using machine learning techniques and study its characteristics.


Plan d'accès

Lemma - Salle Maurice Desplas 4 rue Blaise Desgoffe 75006 PARIS
Adress carte: 
POINT (2.3242849 48.8459838)
Adresse : Lemma, 4 rue Blaise Desgoffe 75006 PARIS