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16h à 18h
Amphi 4, Centre Assas
92 rue d'Assas 75 006 Paris
Ajouter au Calendrier 12/06/2024 11:30 12/06/2024 11:30 Europe/Paris Circumstantial Victory or Electoral Realignment? Trump’s (Re)Election and the Future of American Politics Amphi 4, Centre Assas
92 rue d'Assas 75 006 Paris
false MM/DD/YYYY

M. JENDOUBI animera une conférence de Current Legal Issues sur le thème « Circumstantial Victory or Electoral Realignment? Trump’s (Re)Election and the Future of American Politics » le vendredi 6 décembre l'amphi 4 du centre Assas de 16h à 18h. 

Résumé :

 « The 2024 US presidential election is now behind us. Following Donald Trump’s sweep of the swing states and his popular vote victory, a lot of questions now have to be answered regarding both the outcome of the election and the short and long term future of American politics. Was Donald Trump’s victory truly a surprise? How much of a mandate does it give him? Will the 2024 edition prove to be one of those realigning elections that shape the electoral future of the United States for decades? This conference will use the results of all the elections that took place on November 5 (presidential, legislative, initiatives) to try to paint a picture of what the political future of the United States might look like ».

Plan d'accès

Amphi 4, Centre Assas 92 rue d'Assas 75 006 Paris