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Accueil - Formations - Offre de formation - LL.B. Bachelor of Laws (1re, 2e et 3e années) Dubai | Dubaï

LL.B. Bachelor of Laws (1re, 2e et 3e années) Dubai | Dubaï

LL.B. Bachelor of Laws (1re, 2e et 3e années) Dubai | Dubaï

LL.B. Bachelor of Laws (1re, 2e et 3e années) Dubai | Dubaï


Direction: M. Guillaume LEYTE

LLB - Droit

Diplôme Délivré:
Diplôme d’Université
Durée des études:
3 ans / 3 years + 1 Foundation Year (if deemed necessary)
Modalités d'enseignement:
Formation continue


About the programme

This core foundational program in the laws focuses on key domestic, comparative, and international legal issues.

The three-year program features face-to-face lectures and tutorials (to be rendered on-line if made necessary/as circumstances dictate), delivered by academics and renowned practitioners holding civil, common, and international law backgrounds. It also features modules which aim to provide students with a multi-disciplinary perspective.

The LL.B. program prepares students with all the necessary skills required to pursue postgraduate education, or embark on a career in the public or private sector at both the national or international levels. The course structure is designed to meet the needs of students who wish to continue their education and graduate studies as well as those who wish to pursue a career in countries whose legal system lies in either the civil or common law traditions.

Apply now


Program’s Objectives

Launched in 2020, this program is a reflection of the University’s willingness to develop extend its law programs at the international level.

Developed on the model of a French licence (3-years diploma), this Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) aims at providing students with a comprehensive training in the law and graduate first-rate legal minds.

Moreover, while the module titles are often very similar to the ones of the French “licence”, their content is adapted, in order to maintain coherence with the most relevant needs of the local contexts and to cater for the students’ best interest.

All courses are taught in English. The faculty is comprised of 75% of professors emanating from Paris-Panthéon-Assas University’s campus in France, who are supported by a solid core of legal experts from the region to enhance student learning by doing in the indigenous context where the program is offered.

The commitment to maintain a majority of French faculty from the mother campus is our priority, which ensures and supports our aim to transfer our institution’s best-practice and distinguished wealth of expertise and highlight our uniqueness in the legal tradition.


Niveau d'entrée:

Profil recommandé


Students eligible to apply are those holding a French Baccalaureate or equivalent level and whose application has been accepted by a commission composed of ad minimum two Professors from Paris-Panthéon-Assas University.

The following list of documents is required for an application to be reviewed:

  • Motivation Letter, which should include: the reasons why you wish to study Law; you future aspirations;
    extracurricular activities as well as why you chose Paris-Panthéon-Assas University in Dubai;
  • HSC / BAC / IB results (or equivalent) OR Mock results / 1st semester results of Upper 6 / Terminal / Form 7 (or equivalent).

Lower 6 / Classe de première / Form 6 results (or equivalent)

  • One Reference Letter (Academic or Professional);
  • Candidates with more than 3 months’ work experience to provide their CV;
  • A copy of your National Identity Card or Passport or Birth Certificate;
  • Recent passport size photograph to attach to your file.

For candidate eligible for a direct entry in 2nd or 3rd year, the following documents will be required, in addition to the ones above:

  • Motivation Letter;
  • Results from the 1st and/or 2nd year of university.

Organisation de la formation


The 3-years Bachelor of Laws LL.B. curriculum is organized over 6 semesters. A foundation Year may be added according to the students's profile. All modules are taught in English, and the exams are conducted in English. The Bachelor of Laws LL.B. program spans over three academic years. The hours per academic year are as follows: 450 hours + 60 hours Practicals for the first year, 375 hours + 60 hours Practicals for the second, and 428 hours + 60 Practicals hours for the third year.

The academic year covers two terms and stretches from October to June.

This program is delivered on a full-time basis. Attendance is mandatory.


Course structure

Foundation year ( Grade 12)

Term 1

  • Public Speaking/Debate for lawyers (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • English Legal Terminology/English Writing (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Emirati Studies (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Introduction to Law: Basic Rules and Principles of Law (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Leadership and Entrepreneurship (45h, 6 ECTS)

Total Term 1 : 225h/30 ECTS

Term 2

  • Arabic Heritage (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Islamic Culture (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Legal literature (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Innovation, Leadership and Sustainability (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Principes of law and Basic of constitutional law (45h, 6 ECTS)

Total Term 2 : 225h/30 ECTS

Total PY : 450h/60 ECTS

Year 1

Semester 1

  • Introduction to Law: Basic Rules and Principles of Law (30h, 0 ECTS - in common with FY- perequisite for new students in LLB1)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]  
  • Legal Sources and Reasoning (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Historical and Philosophical Foundations of the Legal Systems of the UAE with perspectives from the Sharia and French Legal Systems (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Comparative Judicial Systems: Civil Law, Common Law and Islamic Law (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Comparative Constitutional Law (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Legal Lab: Legal Research, Skills and Methodolody (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Legal Ethics (30h, 4 ECTS)

Total 1st Semester : 210h + 15h Practicals / 30 ECTS

Semester 2

  • Property Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
  • Personal and Family Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • International Business Law (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Islamic Law (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • UAE and GCC Legal Systems (45h, 5 ECTS)
  • Legal Lab: Legal Research, Skills and Methodology (15h, 2 ECTS)

Total Semester 2 : 195h + 30h Practicals / 30 ECTS

Total Year 1 : 405h + 45h Practicals / ECTS: 60

Year 2

Semester 1

Core Mandatory Courses

  • Criminal Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Administrative Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Economic Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Commercial Law (45h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Business Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • International and Regional Organizations (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Total Semester 1 : 210h + 15h Practicals / 30 ECTS

Semester 2

  • Contracts Law/Contractual liability (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Labour and Employment Law (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Public International Law (45h, 6 ECTS)

One subject to choose among the following 2

  • Criminology and Criminal Justice (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Arabic Legal Terminology, for Arabic speakers
    (45h, 6 ECTS)

Total Semester 2 : 195h + 30h Praticals / 30 ECTS

Total Year 2 : 405h + 45h Practicals / 60 ECTS

Year 3

Semester 1

  • Intellectual Property Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
  • Private International Law (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Civil Procedure and Law of Evidence (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Legal Writing (Dissertation/L.L.B. Thesis) (10h, 2 ECTS)
  • Civil liability (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Internship program (16 weeks)
  • Criminal Procedure and Evidence (45h, 6 ECTS)

One subject to choose among the 2 following

  • International Taxation (30h, 6 ECTS) [+ 15 hours of practicals]  
    Tax Law (30h, 6 ECTS) [+ 15 hours of practicals]

Total Semester 1 : 190h + 45h Practicals / 32 ECTS

Semester 2

  • International Arbitration (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Corporate Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • International Environmental Law (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Technology and Law (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • International Trade Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
  • Communication Skills for Lawyers / Moot Court (20h, 2 ECTS)

Total Semester 2 : 170h + 45 Practicals / 28 ECTS
Total  Year 3 : 360h + 90 Practicals / 60 ECTS

Total diploma hours (excluding FY) : 1, 170h + 180 Practicals
Total diploma credtis (excluding FY) : 180 ECTS

Internship : 16 weeks minimum

Poursuites d'études

Pursuing Graduate studies

Based on the modules covered during the 3-years, a student holder of the Bachelor in Laws LL.B. should be able to pursue his/her studies or career in France, and especially in Paris-Panthéon Assas University (provided that the student’s level allows it, based on his/her results).


Campus co-directors : M. Guillaume LEYTE et Mme Nada MOURTADA-SABBAH

Academic Dean of LL.B.: Professor Guillaume LEYTE

The Academy at DIFC LLC
14, The Gate Building, P.O.
Box 74777
Dubai International Financial Centre
United Arab Emirates

Recruitment team

+33 (0)1 44 41 59 87


Tuition fees: 23,000€ per year or 100,000 AED

Scholarships may be available for UAE students.


Campus Internationaux


Durée des études : 3 ans / 3 years + 1 Foundation Year (if deemed necessary)
Site(s) web(s) :
Diplôme délivré : Diplôme d’Université
Modalités d’enseignement : Formation continue, Formation initiale


About the programme

This core foundational program in the laws focuses on key domestic, comparative, and international legal issues.

The three-year program features face-to-face lectures and tutorials (to be rendered on-line if made necessary/as circumstances dictate), delivered by academics and renowned practitioners holding civil, common, and international law backgrounds. It also features modules which aim to provide students with a multi-disciplinary perspective.

The LL.B. program prepares students with all the necessary skills required to pursue postgraduate education, or embark on a career in the public or private sector at both the national or international levels. The course structure is designed to meet the needs of students who wish to continue their education and graduate studies as well as those who wish to pursue a career in countries whose legal system lies in either the civil or common law traditions.

Apply now


Program’s Objectives

Launched in 2020, this program is a reflection of the University’s willingness to develop extend its law programs at the international level.

Developed on the model of a French licence (3-years diploma), this Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) aims at providing students with a comprehensive training in the law and graduate first-rate legal minds.

Moreover, while the module titles are often very similar to the ones of the French “licence”, their content is adapted, in order to maintain coherence with the most relevant needs of the local contexts and to cater for the students’ best interest.

All courses are taught in English. The faculty is comprised of 75% of professors emanating from Paris-Panthéon-Assas University’s campus in France, who are supported by a solid core of legal experts from the region to enhance student learning by doing in the indigenous context where the program is offered.

The commitment to maintain a majority of French faculty from the mother campus is our priority, which ensures and supports our aim to transfer our institution’s best-practice and distinguished wealth of expertise and highlight our uniqueness in the legal tradition.

Niveau d’entrée : Bac
Nombre de places : Number of places : 50


Students eligible to apply are those holding a French Baccalaureate or equivalent level and whose application has been accepted by a commission composed of ad minimum two Professors from Paris-Panthéon-Assas University.

The following list of documents is required for an application to be reviewed:

  • Motivation Letter, which should include: the reasons why you wish to study Law; you future aspirations;
    extracurricular activities as well as why you chose Paris-Panthéon-Assas University in Dubai;
  • HSC / BAC / IB results (or equivalent) OR Mock results / 1st semester results of Upper 6 / Terminal / Form 7 (or equivalent).

Lower 6 / Classe de première / Form 6 results (or equivalent)

  • One Reference Letter (Academic or Professional);
  • Candidates with more than 3 months’ work experience to provide their CV;
  • A copy of your National Identity Card or Passport or Birth Certificate;
  • Recent passport size photograph to attach to your file.

For candidate eligible for a direct entry in 2nd or 3rd year, the following documents will be required, in addition to the ones above:

  • Motivation Letter;
  • Results from the 1st and/or 2nd year of university.

Organisation de la formation


The 3-years Bachelor of Laws LL.B. curriculum is organized over 6 semesters. A foundation Year may be added according to the students's profile. All modules are taught in English, and the exams are conducted in English. The Bachelor of Laws LL.B. program spans over three academic years. The hours per academic year are as follows: 450 hours + 60 hours Practicals for the first year, 375 hours + 60 hours Practicals for the second, and 428 hours + 60 Practicals hours for the third year.

The academic year covers two terms and stretches from October to June.

This program is delivered on a full-time basis. Attendance is mandatory.


Course structure

Foundation year ( Grade 12)

Term 1

  • Public Speaking/Debate for lawyers (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • English Legal Terminology/English Writing (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Emirati Studies (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Introduction to Law: Basic Rules and Principles of Law (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Leadership and Entrepreneurship (45h, 6 ECTS)

Total Term 1 : 225h/30 ECTS

Term 2

  • Arabic Heritage (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Islamic Culture (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Legal literature (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Innovation, Leadership and Sustainability (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Principes of law and Basic of constitutional law (45h, 6 ECTS)

Total Term 2 : 225h/30 ECTS

Total PY : 450h/60 ECTS

Year 1

Semester 1

  • Introduction to Law: Basic Rules and Principles of Law (30h, 0 ECTS - in common with FY- perequisite for new students in LLB1)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]  
  • Legal Sources and Reasoning (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Historical and Philosophical Foundations of the Legal Systems of the UAE with perspectives from the Sharia and French Legal Systems (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Comparative Judicial Systems: Civil Law, Common Law and Islamic Law (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Comparative Constitutional Law (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Legal Lab: Legal Research, Skills and Methodolody (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Legal Ethics (30h, 4 ECTS)

Total 1st Semester : 210h + 15h Practicals / 30 ECTS

Semester 2

  • Property Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
  • Personal and Family Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • International Business Law (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Islamic Law (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • UAE and GCC Legal Systems (45h, 5 ECTS)
  • Legal Lab: Legal Research, Skills and Methodology (15h, 2 ECTS)

Total Semester 2 : 195h + 30h Practicals / 30 ECTS

Total Year 1 : 405h + 45h Practicals / ECTS: 60

Year 2

Semester 1

Core Mandatory Courses

  • Criminal Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Administrative Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Economic Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Commercial Law (45h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Business Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • International and Regional Organizations (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Total Semester 1 : 210h + 15h Practicals / 30 ECTS

Semester 2

  • Contracts Law/Contractual liability (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Labour and Employment Law (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Public International Law (45h, 6 ECTS)

One subject to choose among the following 2

  • Criminology and Criminal Justice (45h, 6 ECTS)
  • Arabic Legal Terminology, for Arabic speakers
    (45h, 6 ECTS)

Total Semester 2 : 195h + 30h Praticals / 30 ECTS

Total Year 2 : 405h + 45h Practicals / 60 ECTS

Year 3

Semester 1

  • Intellectual Property Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
  • Private International Law (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Civil Procedure and Law of Evidence (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Legal Writing (Dissertation/L.L.B. Thesis) (10h, 2 ECTS)
  • Civil liability (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Internship program (16 weeks)
  • Criminal Procedure and Evidence (45h, 6 ECTS)

One subject to choose among the 2 following

  • International Taxation (30h, 6 ECTS) [+ 15 hours of practicals]  
    Tax Law (30h, 6 ECTS) [+ 15 hours of practicals]

Total Semester 1 : 190h + 45h Practicals / 32 ECTS

Semester 2

  • International Arbitration (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • Corporate Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
    [+ 15 hours of practicals]
  • International Environmental Law (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • Technology and Law (30h, 4 ECTS)
  • International Trade Law (30h, 6 ECTS)
  • Communication Skills for Lawyers / Moot Court (20h, 2 ECTS)

Total Semester 2 : 170h + 45 Practicals / 28 ECTS
Total  Year 3 : 360h + 90 Practicals / 60 ECTS

Total diploma hours (excluding FY) : 1, 170h + 180 Practicals
Total diploma credtis (excluding FY) : 180 ECTS

Internship : 16 weeks minimum

Poursuites d’études

Pursuing Graduate studies

Based on the modules covered during the 3-years, a student holder of the Bachelor in Laws LL.B. should be able to pursue his/her studies or career in France, and especially in Paris-Panthéon Assas University (provided that the student’s level allows it, based on his/her results).

Campus co-directors : M. Guillaume LEYTE et Mme Nada MOURTADA-SABBAH

Academic Dean of LL.B.: Professor Guillaume LEYTE

The Academy at DIFC LLC
14, The Gate Building, P.O.
Box 74777
Dubai International Financial Centre
United Arab Emirates

Recruitment team

+33 (0)1 44 41 59 87